10 Jul
i am gonna fight for you till the end

let’s allow the past to be in the past

i Love you today

let’s get rid of our pride

and listen to each other’s souls

how would you feel i would be in another person’s arms?

i know how i would feel if you were somewhere else

come here: a place where you feel safe and loved or can cry out

a million times i have needed you

a million times i have cried for your warm embrace

your caring and loving words

in my heart you hold place no one else can ever fill

it broke my heart to lose you

but you didn’t go alone part of me went with you.

i’m still waiting for you

i have been loyal to you all this time

we can make it work

let’s not give up

let’s not turn our faces from each other

let’s give us one more chance

let’s figure this out; come back home

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